5 Common Things You Forget When Moving

There are so many things you can forget to do when moving. After all, there’s a lot to think about when moving to a new home. Not only do you have to pack up your whole house and plan for the actual moving day, but you also have countless other tasks to finish. And of course, you probably still have all your usual life responsibilities to take care of at the same time.

With so much to do, it can be easy to forget some very important things. For this reason, we recommend keeping a checklist and creating a moving timeline to ensure everything is accounted for. Even when making a checklist, some people will still skip over key tasks unintentionally.

Here are the five most common things people forget when moving.

1) Update Your Address

One of the most important parts of moving often becomes an afterthought. It’s easy to forget about or put off changing your address on important documents and accounts during all the organizing, packing, and moving you will be doing. But this step is crucial for several reasons, and it should be prioritized.

Here’s where you will need to change your address when moving:

  • Credit card accounts
  • Bank accounts
  • Place of employment
  • Schools
  • Utilities, cable, phone, and internet providers
  • Medical professionals whom you see regularly
  • Life and car insurance
  • Pet’s veterinarian
  • Subscriptions (magazines, newspapers, etc)
  • Other professional services
  • Family and friends

2) Plan for Your Pets

Moving can be a stressful time for everyone in the family, including your pets. On moving day, they’ll need their own set of plans to make sure they are taken care of and have a smooth transition into your new home.

If your pets going to stay with you all day, reserve a room for them that is blocked off from the chaos with plenty of food, water, bedding, a litter box, and toys. If you have a dog, plan breaks for yourself every few hours to take your pup outside. Once you get to your new home, have another designated room for your pets there, too. Otherwise, make plans well in advance for a friend, family member, or boarding facility to watch over your furry friends.

3) Pack an Essentials Box

You may not even know it, but an essentials box is an essential part of your move! Make sure you don’t forget it. It’s the best way to make your new home comfortable from your very first night there. Your essentials box should include things you will need the first night and the first few days in your new place. Paper towels, toilet paper, dishware, silverware, and entertainment are all examples of essentials. You should also pack a separate essentials box for each family member that includes toiletries, medications, clothes, etc.

4) Plan for Meals

Food is one of the most common things you may forget when moving. It can be surprising how easy it is to forget to think about food on moving day. Since your pantry will be packed up and your fridge will be empty, it’s important to make plans for your meals. You will know ahead of time what you’ll be eating and won’t have to scramble to decide at the last minute, especially when you have so much else going on.

Have prepped meals or takeout menus set aside so they’re ready to go. Be sure to plan your meals for the first few days in your new home, too, as you’ll be busy unpacking and settling in.

5) Protect Your Houses—New and Old

When moving furniture and boxes in and out of your home, damages are bound to occur without the proper protection. At Removals Oxfordshire, we use floor runners in the major traffic areas to keep your floors safe from all the heavy foot traffic. We also cover doors, corners, and staircases to protect these at-risk spots from getting damaged. It takes a little extra effort at the beginning, but in the end, you’ll be glad you took the time when both homes look just as good after the move as they did before it.

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